Elon Musk: Far-Left Opposes Voter ID to Cover Up Fraud

On Monday, responding to a tweet from Senator Mike Lee, Tesla CEO Elon Musk hit the left for refusing to mandate voter ID in federal elections.

Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), during a Senate Judiciary Hearing on the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, challenged witnesses to answer basic “yes” or “no” questions about non-citizens voting.

However, not one of the Democrat witnesses has a clear-cut answer to the questions.

When Lee asked, “Do you believe that only citizens of the United States should be able to vote in federal elections?”

“We don’t have a position about non-citizens voting in federal elections, we believe that’s what the current laws are, and so we’re certainly fighting for everyone who is eligible under current law to vote,” says Damon T. Hewitt, Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

Lydia Camarillo, President of Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, answered that the states decide who gets to vote in various elections, meaning that the federal government has no role in saying who gets to vote in federal elections.

Senator Lee, at the end of the session, took to X and wondered,
“Why do some people in Washington oppose this simple measure to secure our elections?”

Mr. Musk retweeted this and captioned, “Failure to require photo ID to vote obviously makes it impossible to prove voter fraud. That is why the far left refuses to require photo ID to vote.”

Earlier this week, the billionaire CEO also reacted to the Senate’s decision to reject an amendment to stop illegal migrants from being counted in apportionment for congressional districts and the electoral college.

Musk said this move could “change the entire balance of power” as most illegals are in Democrat states; this means that the House and the Presidential votes are shifted to the left.

“Most Americans do not know that the US census currently counts, for purposes of voting power, all people in a district, regardless of citizenship!” the Tesla CEO blasted.

He further said, “This is a major reason why the Biden administration is ushering in record levels of illegals and doing so few deportations.”

Musk has long called for in-person voting and photo ID requirements.

“We should require government ID and in-person voting (unless valid medical/ military/etc excuse), like other countries do or like if you want to buy beer,” Musk quipped.

He also slammed Democrats for saying that mandating voter ID is racist.

“Literally the same people who said voter ID was racist also demanded that you get a vaccine ID to travel anywhere or work!” Musk wrote in another post.

“It’s racist to claim that an adult is incapable of obtaining ID!”

“Claiming that people can’t figure out how to get ID is racist and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms,” he wrote.






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