Robert Hur Has Had Enough of Democrats, Testifies Biden’s Ghostwriter Attempted to Destroy Evidence

Special Counsel Robert Hur had enough of Democrats’ pressuring him to whitewash and take back his report on Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.

Resigning from his post and testifying as a private citizen, Hur appeared in Congress on Tuesday and detailed how he came to conclude his February report, which found that the president willfully withheld classified documents but recommended no charges against Biden.

During the hearing, Hur was grilled by both Democrats and Republicans.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) started the hearing and blasted Biden’s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, saying that he deleted the audio recordings upon learning of Hur’s appointment as special counsel.

“Ghostwriter has recordings of Biden making admissions of crimes, he then learns that you’ve been appointed, he then deletes the information that is the evidence, and you don’t charge him,” criticized Gaetz.

Before Hur can continue why he did not press charges against the President, Rep. Gaetz asked: “Like, what does somebody have to do to get charged with obstruction of justice by you?”

“If deleting the evidence of crimes doesn’t count, what would meet the standard?”

Hur argued that the ghostwriter retained certain parts of the evidence, including transcripts.

House GOP Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan also asked, “What did that ghostwriter do with the information Joe Biden shared with him on his laptop? What did he do after you were named special counsel?”

“If I remember correctly,” Hur said, “he slid those files into his recycle bin on his computer.”

“He tried to destroy the evidence, didn’t he,” Jordan asked.

“Correct,” Hur said.

The lawmakers argued that the DOJ should treat both presidents, Trump and Biden, equally.

“They weren’t. And that is the double standard I think a lot of Americans are concerned about,” remarked Gaetz.

As Republicans try to use the situation to highlight the double standard, the Democrats, on the other hand, justified the “differences” of both cases.

The left, meanwhile, used the probe to attack Hur’s affiliation and accuse him as “MAGA guy.”

Hur maintained his stance despite the criticisms and said, “No matter the role, no matter the administration, I have applied the same standards and the same impartiality.”

Evidence presented proved otherwise, though.

Biden placed more than 300 classified documents in “unsecured and unauthorized spaces,” such as his garage and in a public building. Meanwhile, Trump stored his documents on a private, Secret Service-protected property.

Yet, Hur opted not to charge Biden as he is an “elderly man with a poor memory” who is unfit to stand trial.

Democrats then used this to press Hur to admit that his report “exonerates” Biden, but the Special Counsel disputed this.

“In this case, did you reach a conclusion that this man was outright innocent?” Rep. Darrell Issa asked.

“That conclusion is not reflected in my report,” Hur replied.

“Right, so you did not reach that conclusion or it would have been in your report,” Issa noted.

Later, Hur interrupted Rep. Pramila Jayapal to declare, “I did not exonerate [Biden].”






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