Gold Star Dad Couldn’t Take Biden’s Lies, Arrested During SOTU

Steve Nikoui, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, who was killed as Biden ordered the U.S. troops to pull out of Afghanistan, was listening intently to Biden during his State of The Union address last Friday.

Nikoui attended the event upon the invitation of Rep. Brian Mast. When Biden said, during his speech, “America’s safer today than when I took office,” the father of the martyr couldn’t contain his anger.

Steve cried out, “Abbey Gate! Second Battalion. First Marines.”

According to a report by ABC News, “an explosive device was detonated by an ISIS-K terrorist at Abbey Gate, the entrance to the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.”

Capitol Police officers escorted the Gold Star Father out of the chamber, put him in handcuffs, and charged him with a misdemeanor.

Steve was eventually released and was given a hero’s welcome by fellow Gold Star Families.

Republican lawmakers slammed his arrest and demanded the Capitol police to drop the charges.

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Florida) wrote on X, “If he’s charged — and he better not be — I will pay his fine.”

Waltz added that Kareem’s older brother committed suicide over the loss, but Biden has never apologized nor “said Kareem’s name in public.”

“Joe Biden has never honored those killed at the Abby Gate and still hails the catastrophic withdrawal as a success!” tweets Rep. Mast.

War veteran Sam Brown was outraged with Nikoui’s arrest and said: “The Biden administration has no compassion or respect for military families. Leadership has consequences and failed leadership hurts.”

“Honor our Gold Star families. Remember Abbey Gate. Remember the 13.”

Tara Bull asked on X, “Did he deserve to be arrested for calling out Biden’s lies?”

Another X user slammed the left’s double standard: “So the pro-Hamas crowd was allowed to block a motorcade, but the gold star dad gets arrested for shouting. Awesome.”

Fellow Gold Star father Darin Hoover shared during a phone interview with The Post that Steve is facing a “$500 fine or 90 days in jail or both.”

“If you know Steve, he’s a very Christian man,” Hoover added, noting that he had his Bible with him when he was arrested. “He’d been thinking about it, and it’s been bugging him for a while because we haven’t gotten any of those answers … still nothing 2 1/2 years later.”

Hoover’s son, Marine Staff Sergeant Darin “Taylor” Hoover, was also killed in a suicide bomb attack on Abbey Gate.

Steve received a warm hug from Darin, who said: “I’m so proud of you.”






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